Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (2024)

KONG dog toys are one of our favorite dog products. They’re durable, fun and affordable. It’s no surprise that we think these super tough boredom busters are a must have for every pup.

But there’s more to KONG than just throwing one over to your pup every now and then. You can fill them with tasty treats, use them to mentally and physically stimulate your pup, and even bust one out during a training session.

Scroll down to see over 100 Kong fillers and create your own #kongbinations for your dog.

Plus Taylor, the Kween of KONG, shares her KONG stuffing tips and 10 easy recipes.

Don’t have a KONG? Get one here:

KONG ClassicKONG PuppyKONG ExtremeKONG Senior

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (1)

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Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (2)

Article Contents

How to Stuff a KONG

Some might say that stuffing a KONG is an art form. Sure, you can jam some peanut butter in there and call it a day, but there are ways to elevate your KONG game. Here are tips from Taylor on how to stuff a KONG:

Tip 1: Start off loose

I would always start out with loose foods inside the KONG for beginners (especially with puppies, who can give up pretty easily if they don’t understand that they will get a reward out of this mysterious little rubber beehive!) and then build up to stuffing entirely.

I started both dogs off with just loose kibble or training treats. Once they got used to this, I added a tiny blip of peanut butter, and gradually worked my way up to stuffing the entire thing.

Tip 2: Layers matter

There’s no right or wrong when it comes to stuffing! It just depends what works the best for your dog.

I advise putting all regular ingredients in first and then including wet ingredients last – OR – layering everything dry/wet/dry/wet.

Some people do simple purees and freeze, others do loose treats only – and either of these methods work just fine.

I’ve found that a mix of different textures/tastes helps keep my dogs interested and occupied so that they don’t get bored and leave the KONG half full.

I freeze mine to help the treats last longer, and to encourage the act of licking (which is scientifically proven to help calm your dog).

Tip 3: Entice your pup!

I always have something of interest sticking out of the end of the KONG to grab my pups’ interest – this way they know that there’s something yummy to work for inside!

It’s like a nice little preview of what’s to come that immediately catches their attention.

Tip 4: Get multiple KONGs

Get a few different KONGs so that you can prep in advance.

I found the perfect amount when I had one dog was four KONGs, as it allowed me to rotate them easily throughout the week.

Now that I have two dogs, I prep them eight or nine at a time.

Tip 5: Cleaning your KONG

One of the biggest questions regarding KONG toys is how to clean them.

Make your life easier in this department by picking up a bottlebrush or recycling one of your old toothbrushes and using it as a designated KONG brush. A toothbrush helps get at all of the hard to reach crevices inside KONG toys.

You can also wash your KONG on the top rack of the dishwasher.

Get more tips on the art of Kong Stuffing HERE.

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (3)

When Should You Give your Dog a KONG?

KONGs are a great enrichment toys that provide both mental and physical stimulation. They’re great to use in the following scenarios:

  • Training:KONGs are a great crate training tool, plus they help ease anxiety and tire overactive dogs. They’re a great outlet for chewers!
  • On a rainy day: KONGs help combat boredom. Give your pet a KONG on a rainy day and keep them stimulated.
  • Snack time:KONG slows eating and turns it into a mental and physical challenge.
  • Teething + Dental Care:KONGs help teething puppies learn proper chewing behaviors and ease pain.
  • Playtime:KONGs bounce! You can use them to play a fun round of fetch.

Is There a Kong Toy for Puppies?


KONG Puppy is specially designed for a puppy’s baby teeth and gums. It’s made with softer rubber that helps soothe the pain of teething.

It comes in four sizes: XS, S, M + L.

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (4)

KONG comes in four varieties. Besides Puppy, you can get KONG Classic, KONG Extreme, and KONG Senior.

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (5)

Get one here:

KONG ClassicKONG PuppyKONG ExtremeKONG Senior

What Size Kong Does Your Dog Need?

The Classic KONG comes in six different sizes.

You can choose the right size for your pup based on their weight.

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (6)

If your dog’s weight is on the cusp or you’re unsure of whether to go big or small, KONG recommends that you size up. When in doubt, always size up for safety!

KONG provides a handy size guide by breed for those with pure bred dogs.

If you’re buying a specialty KONG (KONG Puppy, Extreme, or KONG Senior) use the following sizing guides:

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (7)

KONG Stuffing Ideas

Choose your own adventure: KONG fillers!

Check out these KONG filler options. Use these filler options to get creative and invent your own recipes.

Have fun: pick and choose one item from each category and create your own KONG-bination. Think of this section as a Chipotle for KONGs.

Food Items To Stuff Inside a KONG


  • Asparagus
  • Bell Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Corn kernels
  • Cucumber
  • Chickpeas
  • Green Beans
  • Kale
  • Peas
  • Potatoes (skinless)
  • Spinach
  • Sweet Potato (skinless)
  • Swiss Chard
  • Zucchini

Fruits can be given either fresh or dried.


  • Apple Sauce
  • Baby Food (check the ingredients)
  • Cheddar Cheese
  • Cheese Slices
  • Cheerios
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Cream Cheese
  • Dog kibble
  • Dog treats
  • Eggs, cooked
  • Oats, cooked
  • Peanut Butter
  • Peanuts or nuts (unsalted)
  • Quail Eggs
  • Rice, cooked
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Shrimp
  • String Cheese
  • Tofu
  • Tuna
  • Yogurt (Greek or Plain)


  • Bone Broth
  • Chicken broth (no onion)
  • Coconut water
  • Ice Cream or Sorbet (beware of added sugar)
  • Whipped Cream


  • Beef Jerky
  • Chicken (diced or shredded)
  • Chicken hearts
  • Chicken Jerky
  • Cold cut deli meat, rolled up
  • Hot Dog
  • Leftover meat scraps (avoid poisonous spices or herbs, and of course no bones)
  • Liver Pate
  • Liver, freeze-dried
  • Salami
  • Steak (diced or shredded)
  • Turkey (diced or shredded)


  • Basil
  • Chia Seeds
  • Cilantro
  • Cinnamon
  • Dill
  • Fennel
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Turmeric orGolden Paste

10 Easy KONG Stuffing Recipes

1. Apple Crunch


  • Dog Treat of your choosing (pictured here: Dogswell chicken jerky)
  • Homemade dog friendly applesauce*
  • Parsley

The applesauce pictured is thick but will still drip a bit.To help with mess, I stick my stuffedKONGs upside down in an egg carton and freeze.

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (8)

*Applesauce recipe: You can really use any applesauce recipe as long as you omit any sugar/ sweetener. I cook mine in the instant pot, which I find is super helpful as you can create the exact consistency you’re looking for. I like mine to be a bit thicker so that it doesn’t run out of the KONG like crazy.

2. Yogurt Medley


  • Plain Greek Yogurt
  • Kibble (if feeding raw, use any portion of ground meat)
  • Carrot (chopped)
  • Apple (chopped).

Feed fresh or frozen.

This is probably the easiestKONGto put together and the one we do most frequently – chop up whatever dog-friendly fruits and vegetables I have in the fridge, throw in a bit of kibble and yogurt, and voila! Tasty, quick, and packed with nutrients.

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (9)

3. Eggs and Cheese


  • Hardboiled egg (halved)
  • Low fat cottage cheese

Served fresh, this option is great for elderly dogs who may not have the patience to sit through an entire frozen KONG, or dogs who have lost teeth and struggle with crunchy ingredients.

Plus it’s full of protein and super healthy!

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (10)

Optional: You could always add a little bit of bone broth or even a splash of water to cement these ingredients together further if you’re looking to freeze this variation.If you decide to go this route, balance yourKONGupside down in a recycled egg carton to catch any drips.

4. Shrimp Special


  • Sweet potato puree
  • Shrimp (always cooked* & deshelled)
  • Supplements (pictured here: Thrive Bladder Supplement for our puppy, who’s prone to bladder infection)
  • Basil

KONGs are a great vehicle for giving your pups their supplements. Mix any supplements you’re using into the wet ingredients prior to stuffing.

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (11)

For this recipe, I stuffed the shrimp into theKONGfirst, followed by all other ingredients.

* Always serve shrimp cooked as feeding raw shellfish to dogs puts them at risk for shellfish toxicity.

5. Peach Hearts


  • Plain Greek yogurt
  • Dehydrated chicken hearts
  • Peaches (fresh or frozen)
  • Supplements (pictured here:Cranimals cranberry powderand Thrive bladder support)

Just because you’re not used to eating certain parts of an animal, doesn’t mean your dog won’t love them!

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (12)

Our dogs love dehydrated and raw chicken hearts. Chicken hearts are a lean protein that contains fatty acids, vitamin A, iron and B vitamins.

6. Fish Dish


  • Shredded carrot
  • Cucumber
  • Sardine
  • Parsley

Sardines are loaded with nutrients like omega-3s, vitamins D and B12, amino acids, and coenzyme Q10.

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (13)

Pick up a can of sardines at your local grocery store. Make sure it’s salt-free and packed with water or a natural oil likecoconut, olive, etc.

7. Mango Medley


  • Organic mango puree (no additives- I use organic baby food with no added sugar)
  • Raw quail egg
  • Frozen kibble stick
  • Peas (can be fresh or frozen)

This puree is very thin & runny, so for this recipe I would add half of the peas first, followed by the quail egg, kibble stick, and top with the puree last.

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (14)

Tap theKONGgently on the counter so that the puree can get to the bottom, and cap it off with the remaining peas. Freeze and serve.

8. Fresh Breakfast


  • Honey
  • Raw quail egg (can also use chicken or duck eggs – cooked or raw)
  • Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
  • Parsley

Insert a quarter of the strawberry first, in order to stop the honey from running out of the bottom hole.Good thing is – honey is thick, so the faster you assemble this one and put it in the freezer, the less likely the honey is to come out the bottom (Challenge accepted?).

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (15)

9. Protein Shake


  • Scrambled Egg
  • Parsley
  • Chicken
  • Assorted dog treats
  • Low fat cottage cheese

This six ingredientKONGwill keep your pup interested for a long time! The eggs and chicken are a great source of protein, the treats add a nice crunch factor, and the parsley freshens breathe and soothes the stomach.

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (16)

10. Pumpkin Party

Made using a KONG Goodie Bone, get oneHERE.

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (17)
Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (18)
Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (19)


KONG Goodie Bone with:

  • Frozen cube* of pure pumpkin puree
  • Frozen cube of kibble/plain yogurt mix

*These ice cubes also work amazingly for the KONG Goodie Ribbon.

The ice cube tray is great for KONG Goodie Bones and Med/Large KONGs. Get the ice cube tray HERE.

These easy KONG stuffing recipes make for healthy snacks for any pup.

Thank you to Taylor and Bindi for sharing their favorite recipes. Follow them on Instagram for more KONG recipe ideas.

Pin for later!

Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (20)
Stuffing a Kong: Over 100 Kong Fillers (plus, 10 Easy Recipes) (2024)


Can I fill a Kong with peanut butter? ›

What to stuff a KONG with. You can stuff a KONG with anything that is safe for your dog to eat. Peanut butter, yogurt, canned pumpkin and fruit are a few favorites. Using a variety of different foods keeps the challenge interesting.

How to make a homemade dog Kong? ›

Fill the Kong with a small amount of plain yogurt. Add a few slices of mashed banana, more apple, yogurt, banana. End with a slice of banana and chunk of peanut butter on the top. CRUNCH 'N MUNCH: Combine crumbled rice cakes and dried fruit with some cream cheese and croutons.

How do you stuff an XL Kong? ›

Just plug the small hole with a chewy treat or peanut butter, flip the Kong over, and stuff! The stuffing should be well-packed so that your dog has to work for it, but not so tightly stuffed that your dog will give up.

How much peanut butter to put in Kong for a puppy? ›

Smear a spoonful of peanut butter or cream cheese (preferably low-fat) on the inside walls of a KONG. If you think that your dog might finish licking out the KONG too quickly, consider preparing a few peanut butter or cream cheese KONGs in advance and leaving them in your freezer for quick use when you're in a hurry.

How do you fill a Kong with chicken stock? ›

Turn the Kong upside down in a cup. Fill full of water, chicken broth or fruit juice and freeze. (Liquid-only frozen Kongsicles recommended for outdoor use.)

Why do Kongs have two holes? ›

To prevent suction, Kong toys are made with two holes. This is a precautionary measure, not an error in the design. A suction effect might be achieved with a single hole.

How to properly fill a Kong? ›

Typically I will follow a pattern of a smear of something sticky on the entire inside of the kong, then layer soft and crunchy foods on the inside for added texture, plug the hole up with the sticky food, then stick a long and narrow chewy in the middle of the kong before throwing the kong in the freezer.

How to make a DIY Kong? ›

Time: 5 minutes Materials: Peanut Butter (or Pumpkin Puree), Cardboard Toilet Paper Roll, butter knife, Meant for: Dogs Pro Tip: Put dog treats inside the kong to add a little extra yummy for your pet! Notice: If cardboard is ingested, monitor to be safe but not a cause for worry, they will poop it out naturally.

What do you fill inside a Kong with? ›

You can use a wet food or you could use peanut butter or squeezy cheese. But it is very important to check out the ingredients of products such as these to make sure that there isn't anything in them that dogs shouldn't be eating e.g. Xylitol is a poisonous sweetener being used in some peanut butters.

Can you put raw meat in a Kong? ›

There are several healthy meat and fish options that you can put in your dog's kong toy. Raw meats that seem to work best for Kong stuffing (especially when frozen) are eggs, tripe, raw organ meats, ground meats and chicken broth. Keep in mind that raw foods can get messy as they thaw.

How to fill and freeze a Kong? ›

Before stuffing your dog's KONG, make sure everything is safe for them to eat and doesn't contain xylitol.
  1. STEP ONE: Plug It Up. Plug the little hole in the bottom of your KONG. ...
  2. STEP TWO: Prep Your KONG. Place the KONG in a small, freezer-safe glass or jar. ...
  3. STEP THREE: Stuff it! ...
  4. STEP FIVE: Add Liquid. ...
  5. STEP SIX: Freeze!
Mar 15, 2021

How much peanut butter to put in Kong? ›

Move to things that make the dog lick the treats out, like kibble that's been mixed with a small amount of peanut butter. Don't fill a kong with peanut butter! You can swipe the interior of it with a bit of peanut butter, but not the whole thing. That's way too many calories for your dog and might make them sick.

What kind of peanut butter for a Kong? ›

Natural peanut butter without added sugar or artificial sweeteners like xylitol is going to be your best bet. Make sure the label says “no added salt” or “unsalted”. If it includes preservatives, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and added sugar, it's best to not share with your dog.

How long to freeze Kong toy with peanut butter? ›

Try freezing the stuffed Kong for just 30 minutes the next time you give it and then for an hour the following time. If all is going well and your dog is not giving up on getting all the goodies out, you can then start freezing it for a couple hours or more so it is completely frozen.

Is peanut butter safe for dogs? ›

Dogs can eat – and many really enjoy – peanut butter. But beware, some peanut butter brands contain an ingredient called xylitol, which is toxic to dogs and even eating small amounts can be fatal. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is often used in foods to keep the product sugar-free.


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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.