Redwood City Tribune from Redwood City, California (2024)

Obituaries Redwood City Fire Alarms a Redwood City (Cal.) Tribune, Mar 34, 939 256 662 Suit Filed By Contractor P.A: Shopping Center Developer in Suit Gertrude Bryant Camino' Mrs. Gertrude Ann Bryant, 71. mother of Mrs. Ruth Chee-ney of San Carlos, succumbed yesterday at San Francisco Hos- Middiefield May 13. 10:42 a.m.

2525 El SAX JOSE A 2,256.662 suit Real Power failure, was filed today by Redwood 11'04 a.m. 830 pltal after A long Illness. nd- Mr. Bryant was bom In Illinois and formerly lived in uals he charged forced him; San Mateo. Other survivors are a son, A.

Bryant, Hayward; charged forced fraudulently Into bankruptcy. SAX FRANCISCO Dwight -informed that he had with-; city roofing: contractor Anker Roa X. Tripp III, former president; drawn the entire amount. It! his withdrawal that pre ef Northern California the suit yesterday. X.

Skanderup against San iteo County firms and Individ-. Company, filed auit in San Francisco superior court ester-! cay charging Ronald who succeeded him as presi-; dent, with misappropriating; $262,244 In corporate funds last LaIiUUII Iwll MwSam s. developer of Palo Qf SF Worlf Alto's Town and Country shop- Water Dist. Acquires Storage Dam The Coastside County Water District of Half Moon Bay today completed site acquisition for a 100-foot high storage dam on Pilarcitos Creek. Roy W.

Seagraves, the district's attorney, said 219 acres belonging to the Torpey family will be purchased for about $40,000. He reached an out-of-court settlement with the owners today. Price will be about $175 an acre. The owners had asked $250 and the district offered originally $100 an acre. The final figure Includes an amount for a cabin on the site.

Pilarcitos dam will be the first stage of a long range water storage program for the south coast area, Seagraves said. The water district also plans dams on Frenchman's, Purisslma. Arroyo Leon and Mills Creeks. Cost of the Pilarcitos dam. an earth and rock fill structure, is estimated at $400,000.

Seagraves said It hasnt been decided when it will be built, but i it will not be this year. A bond issue will be required for financing. The dam will be 100 feet high, 300 feet wide and will store 2.000 acre feet of water. The site Is about four miles Defendants are Arthur -Rule Jr. and Rule Supply Com-1 Ipany of San Jose; Marvin Berliner, San Mateo County I sen, president of the L.

K. Bag Menace ping center, acquired control of A San Francisco eer Georgru cleanln officials wereGray FArk the company a month ago by. worker was ordered comMnv jseSi holdln emergency meetings to-jRoad. Burlingame. Interment depositing 5262,214 with the lo l0wa yesterday to face vlce president of the firm to make gow an impa mjniinum e-year prison Tri-County Company whole-ment of capital found by the rorcQMitions commiicn- term for drunk driving.

building supplies company, state corporations commi-icn san Carlos attorneys Michael er- Robert E. Breen, 36, fought Aaronson and Melvin E. Cohn, At the same time, Williams hard against extradition. and the United Pacific Insur- reportey agreed to buy pps(habeas corpus hearing before nce Company of Washington. "alifomirFtoe JlSuperior Judge Frank B.

Blum Skanderup. suit in Santa Danr a. Sdfng ccanpanyfor lasted until after 6 p.m. Breen Clara County Superior Court Northern California Thrift argued that the governor's ex- claimed the defendants began Northern California xnnii-. warrant waa illegal, proceeding to have him de- Tnpps su.t was filed on be- nd asked the local court to' clared bankrupt Involuntarily half of Northern California i because he owed more than Thrift by attorney James M.irce i $500 to the Rule.

Bishop. Ger- day to plan action on the plas- aill be private tic bag menace which has! caused suffocation deaths Ij II jan Rurwell throughout the nation. DUrweil Though no deaths have been BELMONT Mrs. Lillian Bur- reported In San Mateo County.well, who has lived in Belmont Involving the bags, their use Is for the past five years, died almost universal here. And 'yesterday at a Sunnyvale rest where housewives used to throw, home after a long Illness.

away the paper bags formerly M. Burwell, born in Wis- tend eP he consin, resided at 2028 Monroe plastic bags, according to Dr. Ave Harold D. Chope, county dlrec-i tor of health and welfare. lea" ldower Fred He cautioned householders to Burwell, at home; a son REHEARSE FOR CABARET' Mrs.

Phyllis Page, Mrs. Qean Geer and Mrs. Walter N. Led ere Jr. (left to right) rehearse for' Cabaret, annual show to be given by various organizations of the Church of the Nativity, Menlo Park, tonight and tomorrow night, and May 22 and 23, in the church hall.

Curtain time will be 8:30. i ror fi. Maclnnls. Maclnnls jhardt and Tri-County compa- Edward Molkenouhr that Wil- Htnotrm tranmii Rrnl Washington trapped Breen, "P1 throw away or destroy the bags Bruce of Belmont; two daugh-as soon as they are taken off.era Mrs. Suzanne Miller, San the clothes.

(Mateo; and Mrs. Janet Har- vn- v. Arlington, and a sis- doc jKslt WMt- weeks ago to the danger. The, bags, used to cover newly dry-1 Mrs. Burwell was a longtime cleaned clothes, sometlmesjresident of Minneapolis, cling to face and nostrils be- and that is where her body cause of electrolytic action, will be forwarded after funeral Children love to put them overjservicea Saturday at 11 a.m.

at their heads. Patterson and O'Connell Fu- In Southern California, eHomej. 1311 El Camlno cleaners today banned use of.Kea1' Ban Mateo the bags, and an emergency aa meeting of the California V7 6 TCI TO I ou.J 49 Walter liams was acting for an undis-( Chief Deputy Sheriff closed principal In taking over H. Moore said, the firm. Breen was arrested in North- Under the new management, 'em San Mateo County In April former State Superintendent of for drunken driving and was Todays New York Markets TodayV Bullock's Inc.

54s Closing -ufir Water Service .27 Chem Process A federal court in San Francisco declared Skanderup bankrupt Jan. 21 on an action brought by the Aaronson and Cohn firm on behalf of the purported creditors. The attorneys claim. Skan-derup'e auit stated, that Skanderup on Sept. 23 while insolvent, made a preferential transfer In excess of $3,000 to an unsecured creditor, the Berglas Engineering and Division of the Owens-Coming i.i Crocker Anglo Cutter Labs.

Ltd. Hole Engineering by Municipal Judge Becker. on bail awaiting sentencing. his fingerprints were processed through headquarters. The FBI Breen' had Jumped In Iowa In 1952 while trial for his third First Western Bank Ifewlett-Pecksrd Hiller Aircraft drunken driving corporation of Saints Clara.

Cleaners Association was ached uled today In Berkeley. The Final rites will be Saturday for Mrs. Marla Gerardl, 86, of Kilhurg Iurky Tjager Luckv Stores Paclfie Automation P.I.E Packard Bell conviction In Iowa The suit continued that Skanderup won a summary Judgment March 30 finding him not bankrupt as alleged and dismissing the creditors' State Board of Dry Cleaners Sequoia Way, Sky-Londa, was to meet In Sacramento dled Tuesday in Corn-day, too. unity Hospital following long Officials at the state dry illness, cleaning board branch in San i Mrg. Gerardl was a natlve of Francisco suggested a method jyew York and had resided in por', Sky-Londa for the past two 'years with a daughter, Mrs.

Josephine Rak. Also surviving her are two Allied Chemical 121 American Air Lines 29 American Can American Motors American Smelting 45'. American Tel A Tel 245 American Tobacco 9J4 Ampex Anaconda Copper 68 Armour 254 Atchison Topeka 29 Avco Mfg. If Baltimore A Ohio 44s Bethlehem Steel 52 Borden's 77)i Burroughs 38 Cal Packing Campliell's Soup 50J Canadian Pacific 29 Caterpillar Tractor 8 Chrysler 70'. Common wealth Edison 61 1 Consolidated Edison 63H Container Corp 28.

Crown Zellerbaoh Douglas Aircraft 5 Du Pont -2n0i Cast man 84 Ford General 60 General Electric 81 Ts General Food 3 General Motor 5.1 Goodrich 926 Goodyear lJJJa Greyhound 22 Ideal Cement 6Ji Int. Business Mach 580 International Harvester 44J4 International Tel Tel 421 lObim-Manville 6aT4 Kaiser Alum 45k Lockheed Litton Industries Toew's Macy 4rt Banka William A. Burkett became board chairman and chief executive officer. Burkett announced that the new officers, with himself as board chairman, would Include Williams a president; Lowell Duggan, Tice president and treasurer: and Philip S. Breck and Attorney Malcolm M.

Champlin. of Oakland as direc-Hhere. tora- A third The new regime took over before Williams deposited $262,244 In the firms capital accounts. Williams action was In compliance with an order to the Tripp management by the corporations commissioner to make good an Impairment of capital in that amount. Of the total.

Supervising Deputy Commissioner Clinton F. Pittman said $16,006 was due from Ttipp for expenditures on hie behalf by the company. The company was ordered not to pay off any liabilities, except current operating expenses, until the capital Impairment was corrected. That order was lifted April 18 when Williams deposited the $262,244, but was reinstated Tuesday when the state was convicted Charles A. While routinely FBI found that $2,500 ball awaiting charge of carries a prison Moore.

When Judge tenclng extradition Judge rant was was C. J. Iw- Planners 40-Unit A 40-unit ming pool Atherton San Mateo Commission mandatory three-year term, according to Breen returned to Beckers court for sen- petition, he got a $263 fine th IowaWitnesses Win warrant. I Blum ruled the war- Battle TOT ChurCn valid yesterday and MENLO PARK A three-Breen turned over to Sher- year battle by Jehovah's Wit-iff Richards of to build a church In jMenlo Park was quietly won this week when the Menlo Park Approve City Council granted a use Only one San Mateo City Council candidate failed to file a statement of campaign expenses as the deadline passed this week. County Clerk John A.

Bruning said today. Vincent Binsacca. one of the losers, did not file. It may have been that he did not spend more than $200 and therefore did not have to file a statement. Bruning said.

The three winners said they spent the following amounts: Robert C. Garvey, under $200; Hugh A. Wayne, Clyde S. West $2,176. Marian S.

Hemingway, ousted whtat 1.0 liquidation. incumbent, she spent $985, Corn Slightly higher; scattered; and Henry B. GuldbOrg jdemand. U. Hat Narrowly mixed: light trfida.i-'""- Candidates Night valero of Menlo Park, Mrs.

Vito EAST PALO ALTO Candl-jK. Ciraml of San Francisco; a dates for various school posts sister, Mrs. Alphonsa Magglo on which Ravenswood School' of New York, four grandchll District residents will vote next dren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 9:15 a.m. on Saturday in the White Oaks Chapel, 1696 El Ca permit for the structure at Bay Road and Carelton Avenue.

Councllmen acted without Tuesday will speak tonight at a special program sponsored by the Citizens Committee study- comment on th. permit, which i.RmTeMwooa hl prob- Motel motel and swim for Ramor Oaks near was approved by the County Planning yesterday. ttle city was ordered to issue by thrift. Dutrict court ot AP-'Meet Tonight mino Real, San Carlos, and at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of the Way side Church.

Interment will be The Dads Clubof Cub Pack Holy Cross Cemetery, Colma. favor nf The rhurch eariyth7 5 Redwood City, will meet atj Rosary will be recited In the The district court ruled In The commission granted a STORE HOURS: Open Dally, 10:30 a.m.-5:IO p.m. Evas. to I Montgomery Ward National Lead NY Central PG4E Pan American Airways 21 Parke-Davis 41 J4 Penney DtP Phllro 33), Procter A Gamble 79 Radio Corp 67 Revnold Tobacco 52 Richfield Oil 89 Safeway 374 St. Reg Paper 44' Sears Roebuck Shell Oil 48)4l WARDS a CRISP to touch LUSTROUS usee COOL to' tvear thats the quick story of year.

The Judgment reversed'8 tonight In the home of Glen chapel tomorrow at 8 an earlier decision in San Mateo County Superior Court, which upheld Menlo Parks denial of the use permit. Councllmen had voted 3-2 against the permit In 1956 on the basis that the churchs off-street parking plan did not provide enough spaces. Jehovahs Witnesses claimed they were providing the parking required by city ordinance, but the jcouncil decided it was Rocket Speech Due at Lockheed PALO ALTO Dr. A. K.

Op-penhelm. University of California professor and a national director of the American Rocket BIRD in Palo Alto. California, Tuaaday, May II, liil. Kyi M. Bird, hurband of Mav F.

Bird of Palo Alto: brother of Ur. N. K. Clemen of Hayward Ralph W. Bird of New Jeraey, and brother-in-law of Annie and Jerry U'lriiary of Palo Alto.

A native of San Francisco. A retired superintendent of mail of tho Palo Alto Poet. Office, honorary member of the National and Peninaula Aasociation of Postal Supervisor, a charter member of Palo Alto Council No. 2677. Knight of Columbu, St.

Thome Aquinas Men' Club, lloly Name Society, charter member of Veteran of Foreign War. Friend are invited to attend the funeral Friday morning at 9:15 o'clock from the T1NNEV FUNERAL. 555 College (2 blocks Mouth of the Stanford Campus. West of El Camino). Palo Alto, thence to Ht.

Thomas Aquina Church for a requiem mass commencing at 9:20 o'clock. The rosary will be recited Ran Carlo, thence to Our of tha Wayalda Catholic Church. Woodside, where a requiem me will bo offered for tho repose of her soul, commencing at 1) A.M. Interment. Ho'y Cross.

Colma. Rosary, 8 P.51. Friday. Coehlo-Idnd-Roller A Hapgood Service. SLATER la Redwood City.

5fay 13 1959. Elva Marguerite Slater, beloved mother of Mrs. John Wynn, IjO Altos, loving sister of Mr. Betty Logan. Menlo Park, snd Mr.

Marcel Leveque, Portland. Oregon. Grandmother of 4. A native of South Carolina. Aged 57 year.

Funeral service wiil he held Friday at 2 P.M. at the WIDTH OAKS HA PEI 1598 1 Camino Real. San Carlo. Rev. J.

Jensen, First Baptist Church, San Carlo, officiating. Interment. Alla Mesa Memorial Park, Palo Alto. Coehlo-IJnd-Roller A Hapgood Service. Socony Southern Cal Edison 6'), Southern Pacific 44 Standard Brand 6SH Standard Oil Calif Si Standard OU N.

J. 524 Studebaker 1 Texas Company 81 Transamerica Union Carbide 34 Union Oil of Calif. Union Pacific JjH Tnited Airline 8 I'nited Aircraft V. H. Steel West lnghouse 7 Wodworih UNLISTED STOCKS (Supplied by Avery 1 F.ppler Co.) Bid Ask American Marietta 5.4 SJb American Trust 54 54 Bank of America I' 41 use permit for the project at El Camino Real and Loyola Street.

Dan Dana, the builder, said a three-story structure perpendicular to the highway Is planned, with. a two-story building acro the back of the property. Off-street parking for 41 cars will be provided. In another major action, the commission approved rezonlng of property on Iverson Court In East Palo Alto from single family to duplex zoning. jfcduwd Cfity 0Trifcun Publiihtl mt a-ftamoan xaccpt Sunday by Penlnaula Nawapapera, Incorporated 101 Uarahall Redwood City.

Calif. R. L. Spanelar. publlaher.

David N. Schuta, editor; Winfield Whitney, buaineaa manager Robert I Carl, circulation manager: Edwin W. Rica, advertising director. Member of Tha Associated Prcaa. The AP ia entitled exclusively to the uaa for republlcatlon of all tha local nawa printed In thia newspaper, aa well as AP nawa dispatches.

Members of tba Audit Bureau af Circulations. Subscription rates (payable In advance). One year. SIS; one month S1-S0. Ons copy, i cents.

Entered as second class matter at Post Office at Redwood City, on May S. IKS. um for rcpubiication of aii tha local 2317 Broadway PLASTIC TILE DEMONSTRATION TOMORROW Friday, May 15th FACTORY REPRESBITATIVES will bo horo from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sm how ooty it is to romoefal and boautify your hom*o with plastic tile! DON'T THROW YOUR MONEY AROUND Thursday evening at I o'clock.

CABRAI In Redwood City, Calif- May 19. 1959. Maria Victoria Cabral, beloved mother of Mrs. Manuel Cunha. Redwood City, Mrs.

Beatrix Oliver. New Bedford, and Arnold Cabral of Redwood City. Grandmother of Joseph and Tony Oliver, New Bedford, Mas, and Mr. Angela Marlines of Redwood Oitv. Great -grandmother of 2.

A native of Portugal. Aged 86 years. Funeral service will be held Katurdav. May 16. 1959 at 9 A.M., at the REDWOOD CHAPEL.

647 Woodside Road, Redwood City, thenca to Mt. Carmel Catholic Church, where a requiem mas will be offered for the reposo of her soul commencing at 9:30. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery, Menlo Park. Rosary, P.M..

Friday. Coehlo-LInd-Roller A Hapgood Service. GERARDI Tn San Mateo. May 12. 1959.

Mary (Maria) Gerardl, beloved mother of Mr. Antoinette Cavallero, Menlo Park, hire. Vita K. Cirantl, San Francisco, Mra. Josephine Rak, Sky-Ionda.

Sister of Mr. Alphonsa Magglo, New York. Grandmother of Mra. Margaret Kaye. Menlo Park, Frank Cavallero of San Joe.

Richard Cirami, San Francisco, and John Rak. Rky-Tonda. Great-grandmother of A native of Italy. Aged 96 year. Funeral service will be held Saturday.

May 16, 1959. at 9:15 A.M.. at tho WHITE OAKS CIIAPEU 1696 El Camino Real. Society, is to address the North em California section of the society tonight at 8 in the Lockheed Incorporated, plant. His subject will be Propulsion for the Road to the Stars.

The members will hold a social hour and dinner previous to the address, at Hal's restaurant, Palo Alto. HIGHLIGHTS 34 ANNUAL STATEMENT LIFE INSURANCE IN FORCE $126,381,312 an increase of $14,096 J61. Gripe Night Program Set MENLO PARK Gripe night will be held this evening by the Belle Haven Mutual Improvement Association at the multipuipose room of Belle Haven School beginning at 8. Residents of the community who have gripes or suggestions to Improve the area will be given special hearing, Mrs. Virginia Carlson, secretary, said ASSETS.

J5.000.648 an increase of $189,06 1,857,650 POLICY BENEFITS PAID IN 1958 an increase of S147J02 LEGAL RESERVE 11,667,945 to guarantee payment on life policies At MOHARA ia probably the most famous of all lightweight suits! Because it give a man to much. It is an exclusive blend ot mohair and wonted that feels crisp. look luxuriously lustrous, and always is cool and comfortable to wear! Add the amkrt appearance of the new pattern and colon and you have the full story of thia finest of lightweight suits. Come see it. ,391,1 57 NEW MORTGAGE LOANS.

made in 1958 MORTGAGE LOANS OUTSTANDING principally on homes DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1958 to Life policyowners A ef December 31, 19SS 151,213 INSURANCE IS A LIVINf, BROWING THING How Fast Do You Read? You Can Read Better Faster CastilUji School is offering program in advnc(J reading skills from Juna 29 io July 27 inclutiva. Open to students and adults Daily classes I hour Special evening classes available if requi red Classes directed by The Reading Laboratory, Inc. of New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco For full Information call PALO ALTO DA 2-2131 CASTILLEJA SCHOOL READING LABORATORY. INC. SAN FRANCISCO OR 3.1951 55 You Can Save More by Shopping Our RED TAG SPECIALS during our Remodeling Sale now in progress HULL BROS.

HDW. Main at Broadway Redwood City EMerson 4-6694 Other Summer Weight Suits from 32.10 te 91.00 REDWOOD CITY 2015 EL CAMINO REAL Daniel J. Evertsz, General Agent 200 Woodside Plaza.

Redwood City Tribune from Redwood City, California (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.