Luigi Lover and Writer! ✨ (2024)

Luigi Lover and Writer! ✨ (1)


Yesterday I came up with an idea: what would Mario and Luigi be like as musicians? I mentioned it here first, and then the amazing @itsavee4117 did some research and found out what instruments each brother can cannonically play, though they also added two more with which I totally agree. So here's the list:

  • Instruments that Mario can play: piano, guitar, synthesizer, xylophone, saxophone, timpani and trumpet.
  • Instruments that Luigi can play: violin, acoustic guitar, ukulele and double bass too!

With this, and with the ideas I had started cooking up yesterday thanks to my favorite band releasing a new album, I ended up coming up with three ideas! 😁 So yeah, this may end up being a bit long, so make sure to grab a snack or a drink before reading!

@vulpixfairy1985 @itsavee4117 @kelbreyworshipper @bberetd @pepperycar @peaches2217 @keakruiser HERE WE GO! 💖

For the first idea, since I was inspired by my favorite band (Estopa, a band formed by two brothers from a town near Barcelona), I'll be adding (mostly at the end of the first part) the links to some reference pictures so you can see where I got some of my ideas 🥰

Without further ado: let's go! ❤️💚✨

1. First idea: Band

  • Both Mario and Luigi have always had very good voices. Since they were little, the two would often sing for fun, and they continue to do so nowadays, especially when they’re cleaning. They put on their own concerts with their broom and mop and do their own dances. When they live in Brooklyn, their family often joins them, and they all sing together while cleaning, but Mario and Luigi's voices always stand out. In the Mushroom Kingdom, their neighbors Toads always delight in listening to them every time it's thorough cleaning day in the brothers' home.
  • They both start playing different instruments just for fun. Mario, being so frisky and energetic, wants to try everything, which is why he decides to learn to play not one, but several instruments: piano, synthesizer, saxophone, trumpet, electric guitar, timpani and xylophone. It seems a lot to take on, but all it takes is for someone (aka his father) to tell Mario that he can't play so many instruments for him to put all his efforts into learning each and every one of them. The result? He's pretty good at them all, with piano, electric guitar and trumpet being his main specialties. And his favorites, too.
  • In Luigi's case, he wanted to focus on a single instrument, his favorite: the violin. He started practicing at a very young age and has been practicing every day since then, only missing a few days for reasons of force majeure (a family problem, something that triggered his anxiety...). When he takes up the instrument again, however, he feels better and calmer, his anxiety and problems disappear with every note he plucks on its strings, and he always feels the music so deeply that he doesn't even realize that his melodies hypnotize and enrapture those who listen to them. He always ends up all flushed and overwhelmed when, after finishing a piece, he realizes that he’s the center of attention.
  • He began to try his hand at the guitar in his teens, after listening to Mario practicing with the electric guitar. He opted for the acoustic, however, softer and gentler, and has become a great guitarist. Also, for fun, he tried the ukulele and liked it quite a bit, and he's also made his first steps on the double bass until becoming very good at it. He's always open to trying new string instruments in the future. They're his specialty and his favorite.
  • At some parties and family events, the brothers have shown off their skills with their respective instruments. On more than one occasion, they have joined on an improvised stage, Mario with the electric guitar, Luigi with the acoustic, and have sung duets of some of their favorite Italian songs to the delight of their whole family.
  • Shortly after arriving in the Mushroom Kingdom, as soon as Peach finds out that both brothers are quite good musicians, she immediately asks them to play in some of the typical festivities of her kingdom. Both are reluctant at first, shy and insecure, but in the end, Mario, always willing to please his beloved princess, finally agrees. He brings all his instruments from home and dedicates a whole private session to Peach, wanting, without really realizing it, to impress her with all the instruments he can play. And Peach is indeed super impressed!
  • Luigi, being more insecure and not wanting to be the center of attention, is much less willing to agree to the princess' request, and she, always so kind, does not press him, respecting his shyness. Mario, on the other hand, tries to convince his brother: with a soft and comforting voice, he tells him that it will be just like changing audiences, since, instead of their family, they’ll have the inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom being amazed by their music. And, of course, Mario will always be on stage with him, so Luigi can choose to stay further back while Mario remains in the spotlight. "If you want to, Lu," Mario tells him at the end, a warm smile on his lips. "We can do it that way if you want, but if you're still not sure, you can stay next to Peach and watch me play."
  • This causes Luigi to give him a sly look. "You just want the princess to admire you," he says with a chuckle, nudging him. Mario looks at him puzzled. "What are you talking about?" And Luigi, still laughing, eventually agrees. "All right, I'll do it. I'll play with you."
  • Before starting, since Luigi is very nervous and anxiety is eating at him, Mario stands in front of him, puts his hands on Luigi's shoulders and calls out to him in a low voice. He slowly lifts his brother's chin to get Luigi to look at him and, once he has his attention, looks him intently in the eyes as he rests his forehead on Luigi's. "It's going to be okay," Mario tells him. "We're doing this for fun, okay? We're in time to stop if you don't want to continue."
  • But Luigi nods, nervous but determined at the same time, and Mario, smiling proudly, places his index finger between Luigi’s eyebrows. "Focus," he whispers to his brother in a soothing voice. "All that matters is playing music and having a good time." Luigi, though somewhat taken aback at first, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, and, while Mario's finger is still resting on his forehead, Luigi reaches up and puts his index finger between Mario's eyebrows as well (reference image). They both smile with their eyes closed and take a deep breath before separating, and, with a smile and a nod, they get ready to start.
  • Thus begins what ends up becoming a habit: the brothers, armed with their respective guitars, get on stage together and sing their favorite Italian songs, but also different versions of various well-known and famous songs in Brooklyn (and in all of America). Peach, in time, also tells them about the most popular tunes of the Mushroom Kingdom, and they do not hesitate to incorporate them into their repertoire after rehearsing them.
  • As Mario suggested, he stands center stage, with all the spotlights on him. He plays his electric guitar and sings, and throws knowing glances at Luigi from time to time. His brother remains a few steps behind, standing in front of his microphone, playing his acoustic guitar and backing him up. Respecting his wishes, which Peach has made sure to communicate the Toads in charge of the lighting, only one spotlight is pointed at him.
  • Fortunately, once they start singing, Luigi gradually loosens up, letting himself be carried away by the music, and forgets his shyness. Therefore, both brothers end up singing equally and putting all their souls and passion into their songs. Mario, encouraged to see Luigi more devoted to music and less overwhelmed, dares to approach him. They play their respective guitars back-to-back, giving their best shot (reference image though Mario plays an electric guitar), and often share Luigi's microphone: Mario forgets his own and approaches his brother, and both, without stopping playing, look at each other while using the same mic, singing with all their will (reference image). More than once, at the end of a verse or a song, they quickly put their foreheads together before turning to the audience (reference image), a gesture that makes them feel more united and in tune, and also at peace, as they’re sharing their passion for music with their favorite person in the whole world.

I know the last picture wasn't really necesary, since we all know Mario and Luigi do the forehead touch all the time, but honestly, seeing my favorite band doing it too fills me with so much joy I simply wanted to include it 🤭🥹 A few more references:

-Mario and Luigi doing a silly dance (jump to 3.37 to see it!)

So this is it! This is my favorite band and this is how I picture our beloved brothers being on stage 🥹 I think it'd be AMAZING to see them live! 🤩💚❤️

As for Estopa, in case you're curious, the older brother is David, the singer, the one with the goatee, and the guitarist is Jose, the younger brother. They're not twins, but in many interviews they've stated that they feel as if they were. They're just as close as Mario and Luigi are and I love them 🥹 (both Estopa and the Mario brothers!)

On to the second idea! ✨

2. Second idea: Classical Music

  • Since Mario and Luigi can play more instruments, Peach soon comes up with an idea where they can show off their other musical skills. When she organizes balls and receptions to strengthen ties with other kingdoms, Mario and Luigi are invited to liven up the evening, the former sitting at the piano, the latter with his violin in his hands. They usually start with a piano solo that gets all the applause from the audience, since Mario is really very good, but then Luigi starts playing the violin and everyone is spellbound by the sweetness and mastery of the youngest of the brothers with this beautiful instrument. Of course, Mario is always the first to acclaim him, full of pride, just as Luigi is the first to praise Mario with his piano solos.
  • Often, the two of them join both instruments and play beautiful classical pieces, both completely devoted to the beauty of the notes they pluck on the piano and violin. The audience is always bewitched listening to them, completely captivated, with Peach and Daisy being the first to deeply admire the brothers' artistic talents. The only bad part? That, since they’re the ones who are creating such beautiful music, they don't have the chance to dance to it with their respective princesses. Fortunately, Peach takes into consideration that Mario and Luigi will also want to enjoy the evening and not just enliven it, so she hires a talented orchestra of Toads so that both she and her friend Daisy have the opportunity to dance with both plumbers in the purest Pride and Prejudice style.
  • (None of the princesses knows what Pride and Prejudice is at first, but Luigi will be sure to explain to both of them what his favorite book is about, and Peach will end up reading it and loving it too. This will make both she and Luigi appreciate in greater depth every step they take in their dances with Mario and Daisy respectively).

Here, I have to say I imagine them playing a duet of Howl's Moving Castle. Yes, I know I also used that song for my Luaisy fanfic, but it's so beautiful I believe it totally fits! ✨

3. Third idea: New Donk City Festival

  • Mayor Pauline organizes an annual festival to commemorate the history of her city, and, since she’s not only the mayor but also a singer, she loves to sing and dance every year in front of her devoted audience. Learning of Mario and Luigi's musical prowess, she does not hesitate to invite them to join her for this year's festival, and Mario, seeing it as an opportunity to play more than one instrument, gladly accepts. Luigi, laughing at his brother's enthusiasm, agrees, again, to stay behind, this time switching between his guitar and his double bass, and also backing vocals for Pauline. Mario, for his part, asks to have on hand every instrument he can play while on stage.
  • Thus, when the night of the festival arrives, Luigi stands behind Pauline, with his guitar and his voice, and sometimes playing his double bass instead. Pauline often turns to him and gives him broad smiles with which she intends both to thank him for sharing his talent with her and to encourage him to keep it up.
  • As for Mario, he keeps switching instruments. Pauline has not hesitated to comply with his request, so Mario moves around the stage, and at each new song, he changes instruments. The xylophone, the saxophone, the keyboard, the trumpet... Mario is delighted to be able to show off such versatility and play each of his instruments according to what each song requires, and both Pauline and Luigi are happy to see him so joyful and enthusiastic.
  • In the last song, since Mario has already tried all his instruments, he gets carried away by the music and Pauline's voice and, still excited and energetic, runs to Luigi, takes him by the hand and drags him until they’re both right behind Pauline. Mario then begins to dance without letting go of his brother's hands, encouraging him to do the same, and Pauline starts to clap her hands while continuing to sing. Luigi, despite his initial confusion, eventually lets go as well, so that the two brothers dance together on stage while Pauline concludes the festival. The two of them, besides being good musicians and singers, are also very good dancers.

Here you can picture Mario dancing like he does in Super Mario Odyssey and Luigi dancing like he does in Luigi's Mansion 2 and 3.

GIF by guiltiest-gear

GIF by superkibble64

GIF by ruggieoddhat

GIF by nowitsevenhotter

(Though without the scaried face 😂)

So this is it! 😁 These are the ideas I came up with for our favorite brothers being musicians 🥰 It's an idea I honestly love and that makes my love and devotion for the Mario brothers grow 🥹

I'll definitely be including some of these ideas in future fanfics! 😁 What do you think of all this? In case you'd like to create something related to this, be my guest! All I ask is to give credits, please 🙏💖

UPDATE: Please don't miss the incredible drawings made by the amazing @itsavee4117 to illustrate two of my ideas! 🤩🤩🤩 They're PERFECT and have me screaming! 👏👏👏


This post was originally shared on March 16th 2024 on my old blog, which was recently deactivated. Two of the links don't work anymore, but I hope this reblog will suffice to make a few clarifications for newcomers who might be interested in reading it!

The first deceased link lead to a post in which I mentioned very briefly that, thanks to my favorite band releasing a new album, I had started to consider what Mario and Luigi would be like as musicians (originally posted on 15th March 2024). The links to the reference images and video of said band (Estopa) thankfully continue to work!

The second link that doesn't work is the one leading to my first Luaisy fanfic, which can be read both on Tumblr and on AO3 (originally posted on 14th February 2024).

As a way of saying thank you, I'd like to share below the first reblogs this post had when it was originally shared. I really appreciate each and every single one of them, as well as the likes and comments it got 💖

-@bberetd's reblog.

-@vulpixfairy1985's reblog.

-@alex-procrastinates's reblog.

-@chaosbean1443's reblog.

-@toko-naegi's reblog.

@pikminapplebloom @hyperfixatingonbowuigisohard @cool-taya thank you for reblogging the original post too! Hope you enjoyed it, and special thanks to my dear friend @vulpixfairy1985 for bringing it back after I lost my old blog. You really saved my life 💖

Thank you as well to @pepperycar @kelbreyworshipper @peaches2217 @itsavee4117 and @keakruiser for your lovely comments! I'm so glad you enjoyed this post when I first shared it 🥰

Also, I cannot fail to mention the amazing art two of my friends have made for this post! My dear friend @itsavee4117 first made this one with Mario before I shared my headcanons, and afterwards, he created two wonderful pieces that I really encourage you to see! Also, a few weeks ago, my dear friend @bberetd made this lovely dump with her adorable Mareach fankid in which she included Mario and Luigi as musicians with their guitars. I cannot even start to thank you both for bringing to life my beloved musician brothers 🫂💖

This is an attempt to organize my new blog and also to get this post to reach new audiences now that it's fixed, so I hope it's okay that I tag @megamagimugi @stripetkattelalala54-gf @ask-rosalina-and-her-family @nuctoria. Just thought perhaps you'd enjoy this post if you didn't read it when I first shared it, but of course, I can remove your tags if you're not interested! 💖

Unfortunately, the comments section doesn't work anymore, so I'd really appreciate any new reblog that anyone reading this would like to give to my beloved musicians, and of course you're more than welcome to share your thoughts, ideas and opinions even if it's just one sentence (that is, if you didn't in the past) 🥰 All help is more than welcome 💖

Of course, likes are also appreciated, and just know that my asks and PMs are open for anyone who'd like to reach out (I might be slow answering though). Thank you so much and I hope you enjoyed this post! 💖

Luigi Lover and Writer! ✨ (2024)


Who is Luigi's girlfriend? ›

Daisy is one of the main characters of 1993's Super Mario Bros. film, loosely based on the games, portrayed by Samantha Mathis. She is a student of archaeology at New York University with whom Luigi falls in love.

Who married Luigi? ›

Luigi started dating Princess Daisy in 2007 after having had a crush on her for some time. The two got married in 2015, after which Luigi moved to Sarasaland to live with his wife.

What words does Luigi say? ›

  • "Oh, yeah!"
  • "Mama mia!"
  • "Okey dokey!"
  • "Let's-a go!"
  • "Luigi time!"
  • "Yay!"
  • "Luigi number one!"
  • "Watch out for-a Luigi!"

How old is Luigi canonically? ›

He is voiced by Charles Martinet, just like his adult self. Being the younger twin of Mario, Luigi is presumed to be also 24 years old. While it has not been made official, Daisy has been rumored to be Luigi's romantic interest.

Who is Luigi ex girlfriend? ›

Nearly three months after their split, Beatrice Luigi Gomez revealed ex-girlfriend Kate Jagdon cheated on her multiple times while they were still together. On social media Wednesday, the Miss Universe Philippines 2021 said she decided to speak up after being a victim of rumors and fake news.

Who is Mario's ex-girlfriend? ›

Christopher Hooton writing for The Independent noted that Pauline had been swiftly replaced by Princess Peach as Mario's love interest for over 25 years, while Pauline "has remained drifting on the fringes of Mario titles, her story only being advanced by the unrequited libidinous advances of Donkey Kong".

Who is Bowser's girlfriend? ›

Bowser is madly in love with Princess Peach, even wanting to marry her and make her his queen, but she rejects him every time. This leads Bowser to always kidnapping Peach which leads to the infamous running gag of the Mario series.

Is Princess Peach Mario's girlfriend? ›

Peach's relationship with Mario is a central element of the series, yet it remains ambiguous. Although Nintendo describes them as friends, suggestions of a romantic relationship between Peach and Mario recur throughout the series.

Who has a crush on Luigi? ›

In terms of romantic ships, most will ship Luigi with Princess Daisy due to canon evidence and opposites attracting. The same can be said for Luigi and Prince Peasley as a pair. However, recently, there has been an increase in content of the green plumber being romantically involved with Bowser.

Who is Luigi's evil? ›

Waluigi is portrayed as a mischievous villain and an exaggerated mirror version of Luigi. He bears a large pink nose and crooked moustache. His stature is tall and his frame thin and lanky. He is the rival of Luigi and is the same age.

Is Luigi a gender? ›

Luigi is a masculine name of Italian origin, meaning “renowned warrior.” It is derived from the German name Ludwig, combining the Old High German words hlūt and wīg, which means “famous” and “war,” respectively.

What is luigis full name? ›

Video, confirming simply, “He does not have a last name.” But in 2015, Miyamoto changed his mind. While celebrating Mario's 30th anniversary at an event in Japan, Miyamoto confirmed that Mario and Luigi both share the last name Mario, thus making Mario “Mario Mario” and Luigi “Luigi Mario.”

Is Bowser 34 years old? ›

5, 1989, which puts his age at precisely 34 years old. That's quite young for a turtle dragon that's been going after Mario and his friends along with Princess Peach for nearly 40 years. Nintendo also revealed the canonical age of Bowser's only son, Bowser Jr.

Is Bowser 82 years old? ›

So, Bowser is 34, and he has a 12-year-old son. Basically, he's your neighbor, that guy who's always trying to take control of the whole neighborhood by running the block party and bugging you about taking your trash bins in on time every week.

Who is older, Luigi or Mario? ›

As reported by Ars Technica, Miyamoto confirmed in 2016 that Mario is, in fact, Luigi's elder, with Nintendo later weighing in to further clarify that their age difference is still super-slight: All the way back in 1995, the setup to Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island had revealed — albeit rather under the radar — ...

Who is Princess Rosalina's boyfriend? ›

She is technically the only princess from the Mario Universe who does not have a boyfriend of her own.

Who is Yoshi's girlfriend? ›

Toshette is a character featured in the AngieYaz/RoseOfSharon reboot of the Sonic Underground television series, based on the Yoshis from the Mario video game series. She is a pink Yoshi and is also Yoshi's current girlfriend after his breakup with Birdo.

Who is Princess Peach dating? ›

Princess Peach has been seen as Mario's romantic interest for decades. She has been showing more hints of her feelings, but they're not as obvious as Mario. In the Super Mario Bros.: Peach-hime Kyushutsu Dai Sakusen! animated film, it's revealed that Peach already has a boyfriend, the Prince of the Flower Kingdom.


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