Easy No-Bake Recipes for When It's Too Hot to Cook (2024)

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Summer is all about eating fresh, living easy, and spending the maximum amount of time outdoors. And so it should suffice to say that spending hours in front of the stove making dinner is not exactly what we would like to be doing after a long day at work. But before you reach for that takeout menu—or settle for a quasi-meal of random findings from the back of the fridge—allow us to impart you witha few mouthwatering suggestions that make the most of the season’s best.

From the sweet to the savory, and everything else in between these easy-to-make recipes are about to change your week.

When in doubt, grab a bunch of colorful veggies, some homemade dressing, and fresh cheese to recreate thisCaprese asparagus saladwe spotted on Half Baked Harvest. Graze free and load up on those vitamins sans any guilt.

Pretzels and matcha green tea Pocky sticks combine to form the base of this utterly divine treat fromA Beautiful Mess, which is topped with an equally indulgent matcha cheesecake filling and a giant dollop of whipped cream.

Summer is the season for zucchini and with that comes an array of recipes that make the most of the healthy vegetable.Blissful Basil’s zucchini pastais one prime example—the vegan-friendly dish features a protein-packed hemp seed alfredo sauce and a burst of fresh basil that seals the deal.

A 5-ingredient, no-bake dessert is one we can 100% get behind, especially when said dessert comes with a hearty scoop of rainbow sprinkles.Delish’seasy-to-make rendition of a classic cheesecake will undoubtedly serve up all the fun at your next fete.

For those sweltering summer days when you can’t even fathom the thought of eating something warm, it’s all about raw-dining with veggies at the forefront. This healthy rendition of a classic Pad Thai, fromThe Roasted Root, utilizes carrots as the base and a coconut milk-peanut-lime sauce that serves up all the flavors and more.

Consider this the next level to master in cheeseboards and appetizers. Half Baked Harvest’s summercrudite platterfeatures a healthy mix of the fresh and the fried, all tied together with two heavenly dips.

Did someone saystuffed Oreos? The Domestic Rebel is giving us all sorts of envy with this ingenious recipe that comes with an indulgent chocolate-covered layer and a heavy-handed dash of rainbow sprinkles on top.

Throw some feta crumbles atop your sliced summer vegetablesto instantly elevate the dish with a bold dose of flavor. Cucumbers, tomatoes,and chickpeas combine in this mouthwatering salad we spotted on Pop Sugar.

From Averie Cooks comes a quick and easy rendition of a Japanese staple:soba noodles. Loaded with carrots and fresh snap peas, this one can be ready in twenty minutes or less.

Slice up a chunk of iceberg lettuce and recreate this scrumptious wedge saladfrom Serious Eats, which comes complete with all the fixings for a (somewhat) healthy yet hearty summer-friendly meal.

A crunchy cobb salad is a quick and easy meal for those nights when you’re just too tired to whip up anything else. This loaded version from Babble even comes with a generous scoop of shredded cheese because let’s face it, you deserve it.

Make the most of the season’s best and grill up skewers of cherrytomatoes to serve aside your go-to weeknight dinner. Alternatively, pair the veggies with a loaded cheeseboard for a little snacking instead.

No summer recipe roundup would be complete sans this classic. From Alexandra Cooks, comes a heartylobster roll(with homemade tarragon mayo) that embodies the quintessence of the season in all its glory.

Skinny Taste’swhite bean Caprese is a satisfying and scrumptious dinner for when you’re craving a light and easy meal that definitely errs on the healthier side of the spectrum.

We can’t think of a better way to start the day than with theseno-bake breakfast tartsfrom Chelsea’s Messy Apron. Top with the season’s freshest produce and you have a treat you can enjoy all year long.

You’re technically not cooking if the slow cooker is doing all the cooking for you, right? Throw in all the essential ingredients and go out and run your errands, thissalsa verde chickenfrom Diethood will be ready when you return.

Pop Sugar’s low-calorie Caprese saladboasts a refreshing combo of fresh avocados, sweet summer tomatoes, and cool cucumbers—all of which complement the delicate flavor of the mozzarella.

Mix your Oreos up into a tasty summer dessert that is sure to be an instant crowd-pleaser. This picnic-approved treat fromHigh Heels and Grillsis literally heaven in a bite.

These mini parfait cups fromDessert for Twois the ultimate combo of fruit, yogurt, and a little touch of crunch. Perfect for breakfast or a midday snack!

This story was originally published on May 13, 2016, it has been updated with new information.

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Easy No-Bake Recipes for When It's Too Hot to Cook (2024)


What to eat when it is too hot? ›

Experts recommend eating produce with high water content, such as berries, watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery and bell peppers. While lettuce is known to contain a lot of water, Wood said darker greens such as kale and spinach can also be hydrating.

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Slow Cooking – Cooking Times of Different Types of Meat

Meat loses water as it cooks and the higher the cooking temperature, the more water is lost. Slow cooking allows the meat to cook slowly under 100°C, which is just high enough to ensure that the meat is cooked properly without drying out.

What to do when you are extremely hot? ›

Keep cool: use air conditioning or a fan, wear light and loose-fitting clothing, and keep skin wet, using a spray bottle or damp sponge and by taking cool showers. Stay hydrated: during days of extreme heat, keep drinking water before you feel thirsty, especially if outdoors or performing physical activity.

Can I cook three casseroles in the oven at the same time? ›

Juggling multiple dishes at once often means pairing sides, desserts or entrees in the oven that don't typically bake at the same temperature. You can bake several dishes at once by setting your oven to the average temperature called for across recipes.

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Cold cooking, though it sounds like it shouldn't work, functions the same as traditional cooking. The only difference is that we are removing the aspect of heat from the recipe.

Can water boil to 100 degrees? ›

At what temperature does water boil? The boiling point of water is 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 degrees Celsius at sea level. That means in most places this is the temperatures of boiled water. However, as you rise above sea level water will boil at a lower temperature.

What's a hot meal? ›

Hot meal means a measure of food served and eaten at one sitting prepared in accordance with and served at a palatable temperature range of 110º - 120º F. (43.3º – 48.8º C.). Sample 1Sample 2.

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Snack plates are a great way to serve up lots of the high water content fruit and veggies I mentioned above. Add some protein (cheese, eggs, cooked chicken, etc) and some carbs (toasted pitta bread, crackers, bagel, etc) for a complete meal.

What cook food directly under heat? ›


Food is cooked directly over the heat source, and only needs to be turned once halfway through to ensure even cooking. Use the direct method for foods that take less than 25 minutes to cook, like steaks, chops, kabobs, sausages and vegetables. Most importantly, direct cooking is the key to searing meats.

How do you keep dinner warm for hours? ›

Maintain food temperature with these appliances
  1. Warming oven. This type of oven does exactly what you might guess: keeps cooked food warm until it's ready to serve. ...
  2. Warming drawers. These drawers serve the same purpose as a warming oven, but they take up less space. ...
  3. Slow cooker. ...
  4. Rice cooker. ...
  5. Chafing dishes. ...
  6. Heat lamps.
Feb 1, 2024

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With that in mind, we decided to round up our top ten summer foods as we count down the days to summer!
  • Watermelon. Is there a more recognizably summer food than a chilled, juicy slice of watermelon on a hot, sunny day? ...
  • Backyard Burgers. ...
  • Avocado. ...
  • Corn. ...
  • Fried Chicken. ...
  • Salads. ...
  • Tropical Fruits. ...
  • Berries.
Apr 13, 2022

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For example, if you are craving something sweet, a bowl of fruit with yogurt or a smoothie might hit the spot. A bag of chips or a bowl of popcorn might do the trick if you are craving something salty. And if you are craving something savory, a bowl of pasta or a grilled cheese sandwich might be just what you need.


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